2 sets as warm-up:
:20 relaxed hang from bar
10 alternating toe touches from plank
5 prisoner good mornings
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 1 clean-grip deadlift + 1 clean pull + 1 power clean
2nd: 5-10 scap push-ups
take 15:00 to build to a moderate power clean & split jerk single (definitely not a max)
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
:60 strict handstand push-ups or wall walks
12 tough Russian kettlebell swings
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility
notes: clean & jerk only if you’re already super proficient overhead, otherwise the greater long-term benefit will come from the complex/scap push-up combo