Run, row, Assault Bike, and/or ski erg @ easy pace Dynamic mobility work – coach-led For time in teams of 3 w/only 1 working at a time: 1600m run 150 power clean (light up to 95/65 – scale so sets of 5-10/person are reasonable when fresh) OR tough Russian kettlebell swings (still do-able in sets
3 rounds not for time: 12 incline DB scap retractions 12 plate halos (6 in each direction) :30 front leaning rest on rings A. Power clean & jerk, build to a tough single in 20:00 (includes warm-up) + For time in teams of 3 w/only 1 working at a time: 1600m run 150 power clean
3 rounds as warm-up: 4 alternating Turkish get-ups, moderate up to 53/35 15m slow bear crawl + A. Squat snatch, 6-8 x 1 @ 80% 1RM; rest as needed to ensure quality movement B. Front squat, 4-4-4 @ 65-70% 1RM slightly heavier than last week but w/continued emphasis on speed throughout (think 00X1 tempo again,
Run, row, Assault Bike, and/or ski erg @ easy pace 2 sets easy of (10 bird dogs + 10 dead bugs + :10 2-arm passive hang from bar + 10 wall balls) A. Front squat, 5-4-3-3 building so last set is heavy, 20X1; begin a set every 3:00 + AMRAP in 7:00: 1 DB thruster