Dynamic mobility work – coach-led For time w/a partner: 100 calories – your choice row/bike/ski 100 wall balls 100 pull-ups 100 wall balls + optional abs/bis/tris of choice Post result to comments.
2 sets as warm-up: 5 air squats w/alternating single-arm reach overhead each rep 10 alternating toe touches from plank 5 scap pull-ups 10:00 to build to a moderate deadlift triple – definitely not a max! + 3 rounds for total reps: :60 tough single-arm DB shoulder-to-overhead – switch arms every 5 reps :60 rest :60
We will be open today from 1000-1130 only! No official class, but feel free to stop in and get in some work. 10:00-15:00 easy bike/row/ski + 15:00-30:00 gymnastics practice, Turkish get-ups, and/or abs/bis/tris(/calves/neck?!?) of choice + 10:00-15:00 easy bike/row/ski Post work and results to comments.
3 rounds as warm-up: 5 scap pull-ups 5 scap push-ups 10 alternating prisoner step-ups *all movement slow & controlled 10:00 to build to a heavy set of 15m unbroken walking lunges w/dual DB @ shoulders, KBs in front rack, or bag/ball @ shoulder or bear hug + Every :60 for 10:00 (5 sets of each):
3 rounds easy: 3 PVC passthrough 3 PVC overhead squat, 3311 10 very light band pull-aparts :20 hollow rock Every 3:00 for 5 sets: 1 power clean & jerk 1 power clean 3 clean-grip deadlifts + 4 sets for quality reps: :60 tough power cleans – load should allow just 3-4 reps in each :60