Weightlifting + couplet
2 rounds as warm-up:
10 pvc passthroughs
10 pvc overhead squats
10 pvc good mornings
5-10 strict pull-ups
Every 2:30 for 15:00 (6 sets):
1-2 power cleans
1-2 power clean & jerks
21-15-9 for time w/10:00 cap:
Power cleans, light/moderate up to 135/85
Bar-facing burpees
21-15-9 for time w/10:00 cap:
Power cleans, 135/85
Dips – ring or bar
*only perform dips if you’ve both completed this volume before in a workout before and have done either dips or muscle-ups a few times in the last month
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility