Squat & pull strength + AMRAPs
3 rounds as warm-up:
5 scap pull-ups
4 goblet squat curl to halo
3 table hold to L-sits
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each)
1st: 3 front squats, 22X1
2nd: 3-6 strict pronated CTB pull-ups – band-assist or load as needed to ensure 3-6 challenging unbroken reps each set w/solid CTB contact at the top of each
For total reps:
3:00 of [200m run + max in remaining time wall balls]
:60 rest
3:00 of [200m run + max in remaining time toes-to-bar]
:60 rest
3:00 of [200m run + max in remaining time of (5 toes-to-bar + 10 wall balls)]
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility