10:00 muscle-up/DH2I & pistol practice – nothing fatigued…
A. 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch, 10 x 1 light/moderate; begin a rep every :30
Every :60 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 15 unbroken wall balls, you pick load/target
2nd: unbroken CTB pull-ups up to 15 – select a number that will be repeatable across all sets
3rd: 30-60 unbroken double-unders or :30 max double-unders if 30+ isn’t there
AMRAP in 3:00 – begin exactly 2:00 after completion of EMOM:
15/10 Assault Bike calories
15 burpees
Post results to comments.
10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1
3 rounds not for time:
12 passive-to-active hang from bar, 1010
12 overhead barbell shrugs, 1010
12 x 1 hands-elevated push-up + 1 scap push-up
:30/side sleeper stretch against wall
A1. Axle glute bridge, 3 x 4-6, 21X2; :30 rest
A2. Unweighted glute-ham raises, 3 x 6-10, 20X1; :30 rest
A3. Strict ring dips, 3 x max (-2), 11X1; :30 rest
A4. Pronated strict yoke L-pull-ups, 3 x max (-1), 11X0; :30 rest
A5. Axle bar JM presses, 3 x 8-10, 20X0; :30 rest
A6. DB preacher curl, 3 x 8-10/side, 20X0; no rest between sides, :30 rest
A7. DB standing calf raises, 3 x 10-15/side fast; 2:00 rest
walk out to tracks and back
10:00 EMOM of muscle ups 10/10
A. SS + HSS every :30
-85×2 95×2 105×2 110×2 115×2
+ 15:00 EMOM
1st 15 WB, 20# to 10′
2nd 10 UB CTB (never dropped off but did sets of 3 butterfly give or take)
3rd 30-60 UB DU
+ 2:00 rest
+3:00 amrap – got 2 full rounds