3 rounds as warm-up:
30 single-unders
10 alternating toe touches from plank
5 strict toes-to-bar or hanging leg/knee raises
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 1 close-grip bench press
2nd: 1 strict weighted pull-up OR 1 slow pronated negative w/:05-:10 even descent
*build to tough final singles of each
21-15-9 for time w/9:00 cap:
CTB pull-ups OR chin-over-bar pull-ups OR perfect ring rows (no bands today)
Hanstand push-ups OR perfect hand-release push-ups w/no snaking
*pick the most challenging variation of each that allows you to chip away
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility
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