3 sets as warm-up:
2/side light KB/DB windmills, 3011
10 band pull-aparts
30 single-unders
Every 3:00 for 12:00 (4 sets):
1 snatch lift-off
1 snatch pull from pause just below the knees
1 snatch pull
5-10 slow band passthroughs, if these are easy you can try to do them from the bottom of an overhead squat(!)
Every :60 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 8 alternating DB bench press (non-working arm stays at lockout)
2nd: 10-15 unbroken Russian kettlebell swings
3rd: :30 bike or row @ moderate effort
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility work
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