5:00-10:00 easy walk, bike, row, jog
10:00 easy snatch, clean, or jerk tech work – anything works for this as far as a barbell or broomstick/pvc or even no equipment if working on split jerk tech (drop FAST from standing to the bottom of the split catch, think of landing in a lunge w/the back knee about 6″ off the ground, front foot out far enought that the shin in vertical)
3-5 rounds @ easy effort:
1st handstand hold/walk progression
2nd handstand hold/walk progression
3rd handstand hold/walk progression
(so pick 3 different progressions and cycle through 3-5 rounds, lots of options – 1/4 turnout from wall-facing handstand hold, lateral handstand walk against wall, offset handstand hold against wall, cartwheel, forward roll, feet-elevated back bridge hold, pike-position single-arm hold, handstand hold against band w/alternating leg kicks, tripod, wall walks, etc.)
*after each round of handstand progressions, perform a single max unbroken set of double-unders
10:00-20:00 slow jog, bike, or row
notes: continued emphasis on improving the skills you’re working on… 1 shot at the max unbroken double-unders each round, when you miss, you miss… if you’ve never done any double-unders, maybe today is the day!