A. Power/muscle snatch, 5 x 9 @ 75/53; begin a set every :60
3 sets steady:
75 double-unders
15 deadlifts, 135/85
10-15 handstand push-ups
2:00 rest
3 sets even:
200m run
15 box step-up/step-down, 24/20
10-15 CTB pull-ups – fast singles if you plan to go that route in the Open
2:00 rest
Post results to comments.
10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1
A1. DB Cuban press, 3 x 12 @ 8/hand; :30 rest
A2. Band external rotations, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A3. Band pull-aparts, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A4. Band dislocates, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A5. Behind-the-neck band press, 3 x 12; 2:00 rest
30 sets:
:30 cyclical work @ 90% aerobic [1-10 row, 11-20 Assault Bike, 21-30 ski erg]
:30 rest
walk out to tracks and back