For completion as warm-up:
15m toe walk
15m heel walk
15m walking lunges
15m bear crawl
15m crab walk
15m duck walk
:30 relaxed hang from bar
Every :60 for 10:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: :05-:10 chin-over-bar OR :05-:10 CTB hold OR 1 controlled dead hang to inverted on bar or rings
2nd: :15-:30 freestanding handstand hold OR tripod headstand hold OR handstand walk practice OR :05-:10/side single-arm handstand hold (supported on box/wall),
Every 8:00 for 24:00 (3 sets):
30m Farmer’s walk
60 single-unders
900/800m row or 1.2 mile Assault/Echo Bike or 800/650m ski erg @ easily sustainable effort
60 single-unders
30m bear crawl
5:00-10:00 mobility work – coach-led
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