A. 3 touch-and-go squat cleans + 2 hang squat cleans + 1 front squat, 3 x 1 starting moderate and building to a tough set; rest as needed
5 rounds for reps:
:60 burpee toes-to-bar or burpee muscle-ups if proficient
:30 rest
:60 of [30m DB Farmer’s walk + max DB walking lunges in remaining time (same weight for both movements)]
:30 rest
3 sets not for time:
:30 L-sit
30m bear hug med ball or sand bag walk, heavy
15 band face pulls w/pause @ back
Post result to comments.
10:00 Assault Bike @ Z1
A1. Passive-to-active hang from bar, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A2. Overhead barbell shrugs, 3 x 12 @ 45; :30 rest
A3. Push-up w/scap push-up @ top, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A4. Sleeper stretch standing against wall, 3 x 12/side; 2:00 rest
B1. Unweighted walking lunges, 3 x 30m; :90 rest
B2. Romanian deadlifts, 5-4-3, 3010; :90 rest
C1. Peterson step-ups, 3 x 15/side to blue mats; :30 between sides, :30 rest
C2. Reverse hypers, 3 x 15 light; :90 rest
D1. Axle Pendlay row, 3 x 10, 10X0; :60 rest
D2. Axle floor press, 3 x 10, 10X0; :60 rest
3 rounds steady:
30m light yoke carry
10 glute-ham sit-ups
10 Russian twists
walk out to tracks and back
A. 115, 125, 130
5 rounds for reps:
:60 burpee toes-to-bar or burpee muscle-ups if proficient
:30 rest
:60 of [30m DB Farmer’s walk + max DB walking lunges in remaining time (same weight for both movements)] :30 rest
40ish burpees+t2b and then last round because hands ripped– 21 ghd situps
35lb dumbells in each hand. 15 m of lunges.
3 sets not for time:√
:30 L-sit
30m bear hug med ball or sand bag walk, heavy
15 band face pulls w/pause @ back
A. 135-145-155
+ 5 rounds
1st minute 2 burpee bar muscle ups + 7 burpee ttb
2nd minute 35# kbs (did 53# 1st round and was not sustainable)
+ 3 NFT complete