3 sets easy of (15-30 single- or double-unders + 5 Russian kettlebell swings + 5 goblet squats)
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 2 back squats, 20X1 – start light and build to a challenging final set
2nd: 3-6 supinated strict pull-ups (add weight or use band assistance to make 3-6 challenging)
AMRAP in 7:00:
1 toes-to-bar
1/side 1-arm DB snatches
2 toes-to-bar
2/side 1-arm DB snatches
3 toes-to-bar
3/side 1-arm DB snatches
and so on adding 1 toes-to-bar and 1/side snatch each round
*DB snatches can be alternating or straight through
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility
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