3 sets as warm-up:
10 alternating hip internal rotation to tall split kneeling
:30 table hold or supine plank
Every :60 for 12:00 (4 sets of each):
1st: 1 max distance shot/ball/odd object overhead toss (see demo vid)
2nd: :30 supine plank or table hold
3rd: :30 bottom of lunge stretch (switch sides set-to-set so you do 2 sets on each side)
Every 2:00 for 12:00 (6 sets):
10-15 Russian kettlebell swings, alt DB snatches or hang cleans, very light hang power cleans or hang power snatches, or box jumps
10-15 sit-ups w/fingertips touching temples throughout
3 sets:
5/side 3-way straight-leg raises w/:01 pause @ top of each position
:15-:30/side star plank
rest as needed throughout, eemphasis is on quality
3:00-5:00/side single-leg static back
notes: another intentionally “easy” day ahead of tomorrow’s Murph Prep volume. emphasize quality movement throughout and enjoy the lower intensity again… adjust reps in the every 2:00 piece to allow for at least :60 of rest…