3 rounds not for time:
3-6 dragon flags
30-60 double-unders
A. Squat snatch clusters, 5 x 1.1 moderate/tough; :10 between singles, 2:00 rest
B. Axle Pendlay rows, 3 x 4-5, 20X2 – :02 pause w/bar pinned to abdomen w/straight wrists; 2:00 rest
Every 3:30 for 4 sets:
:20 Assault Bike @ 95-97% effort
3 sets not for time:
4-6/side DB external rotations, 30X0
12 scap push-ups
Post results to comments.
3 NFT complete
A. 115, 115, 115, 120, 120 no misses
B. 5’s @ 70,80, 90
+ 4 sets: max RPM @ 89,88,86,84
+ 3 NFT complete
A. Need to take two steps back to go forward. Just did pulls with negatives.
B. 180#
Last round was death. Total Cals 97
Coop duty.