Weightlifting tech + MWG intervals + accessory
2 rounds as warm-up:
10 alternating dead bugs
10 alternating bird dogs
5 air squats w/alternating single-arm reach overhead
Every :90 for 12:00 (8 sets):
1 power clean + 1 hang power clean from just below the knees + 1 hang power cleans from anywhere above the knee
*can perform the complex w/snatches, too
*light/moderate loads that allow you to focus on 1 technical aspect of the lift (set-up, position passing the knees, full hip extensions, receiving footwork, front rack, hook-grip, etc.)
5 sets for reps:
2:00 of [3 wall walks (or 6 mat lengths handstand walk) + 15/12 calories + max in remaining time burpees]
:60 rest
3 sets:
6-8 alternating DB curls
:30/side plank
mobility work