Weightlifting & upper pull strength + triplet + accessory
3 rounds as warm-up:
:30 supine plank or table hold
10 alternating toe touches from plank
3 standing broad jumps – sub-maximal w/soft landing
5 sets:
:60 of [5-4-3-2-1 front squats or overhead squats from the ground + max in remaining time pull-ups, CTB pull-ups, toes-to-bar, or muscle-ups]
2:00 rest
*full clean/snatch counts as first rep
*so 5 reps on the 1st round, 4 on the 2nd, 3 on the 3rd, 2 on the 4th, and 1 on the 5th
AMRAP in 10:00:
500m row or equivalent bike/ski
35 wall ball on shoulder squats
20 V ups
3-5 sets:
10 band bicep curls
10 band tricep pressdowns
mobility work