Reminder: register for class ahead of time through the ZenPlanner app (we sent out directions for that last week, let us know if you’re having any issues and we’ll figure it out ASAP)…it’s highly likely some classes will fill up quickly, we’ll likely be expanding both caps and class offerings sooner rather than later to accommodate, thank you for being patient as we welcome everyone back!
2 rounds easy as warm-up:
:15-:30 relaxed hang from bar
:30 plank
30 jumping jacks
Every :90 for 12:00 (4 sets of each):
1st: 4 DB/KB goblet elevator squats w/:01-:02 pauses 1/2 of the way down, at the bottom, & 1/2 way up again for each rep (so each rep should take roughly :06-:10)
2nd: 4-8 scap pull-ups, 1111 (so each rep should take :04)
8:00 @ 70-80% effort – rep quality over speed/total:
2 alternating DB snatches or KB swings
2 alternating single-arm DB/KB overhead reverse lunges (same loading as on snatch, if overhead position/stability limits quality then opt for DB/KB @ shoulder), switch sides as needed
2 strict toes-to-bar or controlled hanging knee raises
and so on, adding 2 each round…
10:00 coach-led mobility
*notes – use a single DB/KB for the entire day if possible, choose wisely…