3 sets not for time:
30-60 unbroken double-unders
10-15m handstand walk or :30 nose-to-wall hold
A. Snatch pull, 8 x 1 starting @ 95% snatch max & building to 105% for the final rep; begin a rep every :90
B. Push press, build to a tough single for the day
5 rounds for time w/10:00 cap:
20 row calories
15 handstand push-ups
3 sets not for time:
15 light reverse hypers
:30/side plank
Post results to comments.
12:00 Assault Bike @ Z1
A1. DB Cuban press, 3 x 12 @ 5/hand; :30 rest
A2. Band external rotations, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A3. Band pull-aparts, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A4. Band dislocates, 3 x 12; :30 rest
A5. Behind-the-neck band press, 3 x 12; 2:00 rest
6 sets:
1000m ski erg @ 2:11.0-2:11.9/500m
3:00 rest
3 sets not for time:
:30 hollow hold
:30 Sorensen hold
walk out to tracks and back
3 NFT complete
A. Snatch pulls: 140×2, 145×2, 150×2, 155×2
B. Push press – 170# (PR)
+ 5 rounds for time w 10:00 cap:
20 calories row
15 hspu
+ 3 NFT complete
+ ab work