For completion as warm-up:
15m toe walk
15m heel walk
15m walking lunges
15m bear crawl
15m crab walk
15m duck walk
:30 relaxed hang from bar
Every :60 for 10:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: upper gymnastics press tech
2nd: upper gymnastics pull tech
*same/similar variation as last week
20:00 @ eeeeeeeaasy effort:
300m row or ski erg or .3 mile Echo Bike
15m L-arm KB overhead carry
15m L-arm KB front rack carry
15m L-arm KB Farmer’s walk
15m R-arm KB overhead carry
15m R-arm KB front rack carry
15m R-arm KB Farmer’s walk
*same KB for all, pick a load that’s challenging for the overhead carry (will likely be easier for the other 2)
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility