3 sets as warm-up:
2 wall walks
:15 rest
:15 row @ tough but not max effort
:60 rest
Every :60 for 10:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: upper gymnastics movement of choice – any hanging or inverted movements, if performing full reps select a number that is achievable within a :30 window each round
2nd: :05-:10/side bottom of pistol hold (foot flat, full depth, use support if needed) OR 6-10 alternating pistols
10:00 @ 70% effort – reeaaaaaaal nice & easy-like again:
15m crab walk
10 single-arm DB hang clean to overhead, switch after 5 each round
15m bear crawl
:20 hollow rock
2 sets:
:10 bike easy
:50 bike hard – oh boy…
5:00 rest
5:00-10:00 mobility work – coach-led
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