For completion as warm-up:
500m row easy
15m duck walk
10 scap pull-ups
15 scap push-ups
500m row moderate
10:00 gymnastics practice of choice (any kip, any inversion, or pistols) – coach-led
10:00 @ sustainable effort:
10 v-ups
15m 1-arm DB overhead carry, tough
150m row @ easy/moderate effort – treat this as a warm-up for the sprints to follow, save the intensity for those
15m 1-arm DB overhead carry (opposite arm)
2 sets:
:60 row sprint, oooh la la! – all-out for these, goal is best possible average pace
5:00 rest
5:00-10:00 mobility work – coach-led
1 week down, 4 to go… Be sure to watch the announcement of 18.2 tonight @ 8PM on if you’d like a preview of what you’ll be doing Monday… If you are registered in the Open and will not be able to attend class on any of the next five Mondays, you will have the option to complete the Open events on either Fri or Sat, as well. Just let Stephen know and we’ll make it happen…
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