3 rounds as warm-up:
5/side 1-arm DB push press w/:02 pause @ top
5/side DB suitcase deadlifts
:15/side plank
Every :90 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 1 snatch lift-off (deadlift to just below knees & pause for :03 before returning to floor) + 1 slow snatch pull (:03 to the knees before finishing the pull) + 1 snatch pull
2nd: 5-6 DB floor press from glute bridge, 21X1
3 rounds for calories/reps:
:50 push-up
:10 rest
:50 double-unders
:10 rest
:50 row calories
1:10 rest
5:00-10:00 mobility work – coach-led
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