3 rounds as warm-up:
3 inchworms, slow & controlled walking hands out as far as possible each time
10 1 & 1/4 air squats
:10 hollow rock
:10 hollow hold
Every :90 for 12:00 (4 sets of each):
1st: 10 alternating front rack reverse lunges
2nd: 1 strict pull-up + 3 kipping pull-ups + 5 toes-to-bar
*lots of options for the pulling complex, goal is to find movement variations that get easier as you go and can be completed either unbroken or within a :30 window if breaks are required… so could look like 1 bar muscle-up + 3 strict pull-ups + 5 toes-to-bar for some, or :05 chin-over-bar hold + 3 toes-to-bar bar + :05 dead hang for others…
For time w/12:00 cap:
150 wall balls!
5:00-10:00 mobility work – coach-led
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