2:00 easy bike/row/ski/run
3 sets of (5 slow air Kang squats + 10 alternating toe touches from plank)
Every :60 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1st: 3-6 L standing DB push presses, 21X1
2nd: 3-6 R standing DB push presses, 21X1
3rd: 3-4 clean-grip deadlifts, 21X1
Every :60 for 10:00 (10 sets):
3 power cleans – touch-and-go or quick drop & re-set
3-6 bar-facing burpees
*challenging loading/variations that allow for the work to be done in :30 each round
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility
Post results to comments.
A. 40lb dB, 175 dl
B. 125 cleans ub, 4-6 burpees