2 rounds as warm-up:
:15-:30 handstand hold or plank
5 prisoner Kang squats
5:00 pvc/empty/light jerk tech work, just a few reps every :60
Every 3:00 for 15:00 (5 sets of each):
1 clean pull
1 hang power clean from just below the knees
1 hang power clean from anywhere above the knees
5/side single-arm DB floor press
Every :90 for 15:00 (10 sets):
1 power clean & split jerk
*all sets moderate and crisp, likely @ 60-70% of a max
AMRAP in 7:00:
7/side DB hang clean to overhead, heavy (based on weaker side if you have one)
7 burpees w/lateral hop over DB
AMRAP in 7:00
3 power cleans, 185/125
3 strict handstand push-ups
6 power cleans
6 strict handstand push-ups
and so on, adding 3 to each movement each round
5:00-10:00 coach-led mobility
notes: clean & jerk for the strength work only if you’re already proficient overhead, otherwise the greater long-term benefit will come from the complex/press pairing